


Cash Back,


#1 開戶- US BANK

US BANK在北校區的學生活動中心MSC 2F, 準備的資料有Passport, DS2019, Address (Both of your permanent (Taiwan) and temporary (Meadows) addresses should be provided), your parents’ names in English, phone number, etc.

**TIPS** You don’t have to pay annual fees to keep your account active if you open one at US Bank on campus (Student only). Most of banks will charge annual fees or penalty if your balance under a certain amount.



#2 Mobile Services

大部分的人都會選擇使用 Mint Mobile, 雖然比起Verizon, AT&T 這些大公司訊號是差了一點,但Mint Mobile也是吃T-Mobile的訊號,在主要的城市訊號都是正常的,申請的門檻也相對低,費用也是. 正常來說,申請一個新的Family Plan是需要Social Security Number的,除非你能找到現有的群組加入,否則是相對難申請的. Mint Mobile申請後就會直接寄到家, 號碼也會在帳號啟用後自動分配.




#3 Amazon最方便的online shopping - 你不能錯過的優惠資訊!

@Amazon- Amazon Prime Student-Try 6-month free trial. Free 2-day shipping.

**TIPS**You need to use your UMSL email to register on Amazon to be qualified for the trial. You will be asked to provide your payment information (credit/debit) before they active your Amazon Prime Student since they want to make sure that you would continuously use their services. However, you can always cancel the following subscription whenever you want, just call them!



#4 Money Transfer APPs – There is no transaction fee, which is great for you!


Try Cash App using my code and we’ll each get $5! TPNMQFR

**TIPS** You can use it just for earning the $5 reward. Since Venmo is the most popular one that everyone uses.



Bonus, Paypal底下的服務系統, 自行下載

**TIPS** You can request someone to pay you in case he/she would easily forget to pay you back.



#5 Transportation APPs - Set up all information before your trip!


For $5 in ride credit, download the Lyft app using my referral link: It's the most affordable ride in town.

**TIPS** Usually, Lyft is cheaper than Uber, and it provides more coupons than Uber does! You can always compare the prices before you order your services.



Wanyu has given you a FREE Uber ride (up to NT$50). To claim your free gift, sign up using this link:



#6每一筆消費都能累計, 賺取額外的Bonus

@Drop (APP)

I’m inviting you to join Drop, the free app that’s giving away millions in cash rewards every day! Use my code 6aw3z to get $5 - no strings attached.


@Rakuten-Get cash back from shopping!

這是裝在Google Chrome的擴充功能, 提供各大網站消費的回饋!



#7 Travel

@Airbnb 這是大家最常用的訂房系統, 透過下面的連結註冊有額外的Bonus!直接註冊的話就沒有優惠囉~



#8 Grocery Shopping – 華人超市– Recommendations are always subjective!

@Olive Supermarket

**TIPS** 百利超市不僅是大家最常去的華人超市也是唯一一家有提供國際學生優惠的華人超市,雖然優惠只提供部分商品,不無小補,結帳前記得出示學生證!


@Seafood City

**TIPS** 如同其名,雖然是以海鮮為名,但很多人不知道這裡也有賣蔬菜水果肉類等,大致上與百利超市差不多


@Pan-Asia Supermarket

**TIPS** 這是比較遠一點的華人超市,整體來說, Pan-Asia品項多、環境乾淨,超市裡面還有一間附設的中餐館



#9 Grocery Shopping – 西方超市– Recommendations are always subjective!

@Costco (Wholesale)

**TIPS** Membership required,相較於Sam’s Club, Costco的品質還是好很多,但缺點就是三家分店都離學校很遠

@Sam’s Club (Wholesale)

**TIPS** Membership required,Walmart旗下的retail wholesalers,類似Costco,優點是Membership fee比較便宜,離學校近,隔壁又是Walmart可以一次把需要的東西買齊


**TIPS** 水果通常在比其他超市的品質都好(Costco例外),,常有新鮮的流程之消費的話可以考慮加入Reward Program(Cash Back 2%)


**TIPS** 水果品質普通,肉品及部分Bakery可以考慮

@Trader Joe’s

**TIPS** 食材品質較高


**TIPS** 品質比Walmart好一些,購買生活用品居多


**TIPS** 商品種類多,數量少,便宜,品質參差不齊



#10 Restaurants – Recommendations are always subjective!

台式    @Tai Ke @The Foundry Bakery

**TIPS**台客是台灣人必吃! 雞排飯,牛肉麵,炒米粉,滷肉飯,三杯雞,通通都有!

**TIPS** Foundry Bakery 有賣菠蘿麵包、鳳梨酥等,還有各式珍珠奶茶及現打果汁!

中式   @Shu Feng Restaurant @Corner 17 @Cate Zone Chinese Café @Szechuan Cuisine

日式   @Blue Ocean Restaurant @Midtown Sushi & Ramen

越式   @Mai Lee @Pho Grand Restaurant @Pho Long Restaurant

泰式   @Thai Country Café @Thai 202 @Addie's Thai House

韓式   @Sides of Seoul (SOS) @Seoul Garden

義式   @Zia's Restaurant and Catering @ Anthonino's Taverna @ Maggiano's Little Italy

美式   @Texas Roadhouse @Pi Pizzeria @Noodles Company @Church’s Chicken @IHOP

甜點   @La Bonne Bouchee Patisserie & Café @ Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams @Share Sweet

珍奶   @St Louis Bubble Tea @Corner 17 @Cube Tea Studio

B.B.Q.  @Pappy's Smokehouse @Salt + Smoke @Sugarfire Smoke House

Seafood    @Peacemaker Lobster & Crab @The Mad Crab @Red Lobster

Bar           @Three Sixty @Atomic Cowboy


@Shake ShackSt. Louis也吃得到!



#11 Where should you go for shopping?

@Saint Louis Galleria

**TIPS** Galleria 是離市區最近的Mall,大致上商店多樣,商品總類及款式較多,價錢也相對較高,優點是搭Metro就會到囉!

@St. Louis Premium Outlets

@Chesterfield Outlets

**TIPS** 比起Chesterfield Outlets,大多數的人都是去St. Louis Premium Outlets, Premium Outlets比較好逛,人也比較多?!



#12 St. Louis 哪裡好玩?

@Forest Park

**TIPS** Free, 是全美最大的市內公園,夏天會有很多免費的活動,如戶外劇場,戶外電影院,音樂會等等,也是大家喜歡去野餐的地方!

@Saint Louis Zoo

**TIPS** Free, It is recognized as a leading zoo in animal management, research, conservation, and education. In 2017 and 2018, the zoo was chosen by USA Today as the best in the United States.

@Saint Louis Art Museum

**TIPS** Free

@Saint Louis Science Center

**TIPS** Free

@James S. McDonnell Planetarium

**TIPS** Free 這邊有一座橫跨I-64連接Saint Louis Science CenterJames S. McDonnell Planetarium的橋,通常遊客會一次參觀這兩個館

@Missouri Botanical Garden

**TIPS** It's open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. General admission is $12 for adults and $6 for residents of St. Louis City and County. City and County residents also get in free on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon.

@ The Gateway Arch

**TIPS** Free

@ Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis

**TIPS** Free

@ Meramec Caverns

**TIPS** You can find discount code on the internet sometimes.


101 Things Every St. Louisan Must Do



#13 超好用的分帳APP – Splitwise

一群人出門旅遊一定會有人先代墊,算來算去錢都不對,Splitwise就是來解決你的煩惱的,不管是誰付錢,誰跟誰要對帳分,都可以清清楚楚的紀錄! (Apple Store自行下載)



#14 How about the weather?

The weather APP on iPhone is usually not as accurate as we know in Taiwan. There’s no notification if storms are coming. Follow ‘US National Weather Service Saint Louis Missouri’ on Facebook, and you can get the latest news and updates from the weather service.



#15 Credit Card (Obtain you Social Security Number first!)

一般來說, J1的簽證是可以申請SSN(F1若有在校內打工就可以申請SSN), 以過去的經驗在美國申請第一張信用卡要非常小心, 一旦不小心被Reject信用紀錄上就可能留下不好的紀錄, 最安全的選擇就是Discover! (每個人的狀況不同,不保證你一定辦得過)


@Discover-留學生的第一張信用卡, 每季有不同類別5%的消費回饋

You can earn a $20 statement credit each school year your GPA is 3.0 or higher for up to the next 5 years. Become a Discover Cardmember and get a $50 Statement Credit with your 1st purchase within 3 months. (用這個Referral Link才有$50 Statement Credit!)


**TIPS** You may consider to apply for Discover AFTER/ONLY WHEN you settle down everything (accommodation/grocery/necessaries/service of mobile phone/academic concerns/bank account/transportation) and adapt to the environment successfully. You have to prioritize your checking list and check them step by step.



#Additional Tips:

- I would highly recommend paying your rentals and tuition by e-check instead of your credit card from Taiwan to avoid any potential FEES!

- Prepare your RESUME.

- Build your networking.

- DO NOT WALK ALONE IN ST. LOUIS especially around the campus! Walk with a group (3+) should be fine.

- Do not leave ANYTHING in your car. Leave them in the truck should be fine.

- There are many free resources on campus, use them wisely!

- Find help if you need. People are always willing to help you but you have to ASK and initiate the conversation first.

- You should always appreciate everyone who tries to help you, or whom you asked for help. People are not necessary to offer the help or answer your questions. Don’t take it for granted.



Good luck for your new adventures!




Welcome for questions!

有任何問題都歡迎詢問! :)


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